May 9, 2023 10am-12:15pm MST
The Idaho Wine Commission is offering its members this exclusive seminar, compliments of Commerce7 in partnership with WISE Academy and Community Benchmark!
Join us on Zoom for:
-A Community Benchmark overview to better understand your Tasting Room metrics such as AOV, conversion to purchase and club!
-WISE Academy's seminar on Wine Club Best Practices and Front Line Metrics: Wine club may have less going on over the summer months, and wineries will (hopefully) be gaining more members, so how can we make the most of this time and prepare for the last half of the year? Attendees will also come to better understand the basics of customer relationship management (CRM) and why collecting clean data is so important.
-Plus, Growing DTC Sales - Learn the tangible steps you can take to sell more and grow your average lifetime value, order value, and direct-to-consumer sales this year and beyond, presented by Commerce7.
May 9th Schedule:
10am-10:30am - Community Benchmark
10:35am-11:00am - WISE Academy
11:00am-11:05am - Break
11:05am-11:30am - WISE Academy
11:30am-12:00pm - Commerce7
12:00-12:15pm - Final Q&A